Here are a few important reasons why we need to descale PHE

Plate heat exchangers (PHEs) are an essential component of many commercial and industrial systems. They help to keep important processes running smoothly and efficiently. But due to scale buildup, they are at a higher risk of getting clogged and inefficient over time. Fortunately, the process of descaling helps restore efficiency and protect the longevity of your PHE system.

Scale is a buildup of mineral deposits in your system’s heat exchanger or other components caused by water coming into contact with the metal surface. This buildup can reduce the system’s overall efficiency as it restricts flow, increases pressure drop, and reduces heat transfer. In some cases, it can cause complete blockage resulting in a complete shutdown or system failure.

Let’s take a closer look at why it is important to descale PHEs regularly and what the benefits are:

Descaling is the process used to remove these deposits from pipe walls and other surfaces within your heating or cooling system, thus restoring efficiency and preventing further damage. It can be done using either mechanical methods, such as scraping and brushing or chemical methods, such as acid cleaning, depending on the severity of the scale problem. To ensure that scale does not come back too quickly, additional steps like passivation may also be necessary, which involves coating the surfaces to protect them from corrosion or scale buildup in the future.

The benefits associated with descaling PHEs include improved efficiency, reduced energy costs, increased lifespan of equipment, improved safety conditions due to reduced risk of fire or explosion caused by blockages within pipes, improved environmental conditions due to reduced emissions caused by inefficient equipment operation, and more consistent product quality due to better control over temperatures during processing operations.

Descaling PHEs is important in maintaining efficient systems that will last you for years to come. With proper care and maintenance through regular descaling processes, you can ensure that your heat exchangers perform optimally throughout their lifetime without having to replace them prematurely due to damage caused by scale buildup. If you have questions about how often you should descale your heat exchangers or what type of descaling process would be best for your application, contact us today!

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